
Implements the Selector class, a high level wrapper around ~select.select.

class scell.wrapper.Selector

A selector object is a dictionary of file-like objects to Monitored objects.


D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.


Yields the registered monitors which are ready (their interests are satisfied).

register(fp, mode)

Register a given fp (file handle) under a given mode. The mode can either be r, w, or both. Returns the monitor object.

  • fp – The file-like object.
  • mode – Whether read and or write-ready events should be notified.

D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D


Returns (rl, wl) where rl and wl are file objects interested in readability and writability, respectively.

scoped(*args, **kwds)

A context manager that automatically unregisters fps once the block has finished executing.

  • fps – Iterable of file objects.
  • mode – Defaults to ‘rw’, the interests of every file handle.

Returns an iterable of monitors which are readable or writable subject to timeout.

Parameters:timeout – Maximum number of seconds to wait until at least 1 file object is readable or writable. To block for an indefinite time, use None.

x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]


Provides abstractions over lower level APIs and file objects and their interests.

class scell.core.Event(monitored, readable, writable)

Represents the readability or writability of a monitored file object.


Whether the monitored needs are met, i.e. whether it is readable or writable, taking it’s needs into account.

class scell.core.Monitored(fp, wants_read, wants_write)

Represents the interests of a file handle fp, and whether it wants_read and or wants_write.

scell.core.select(rl, wl, timeout=None)

Returns the file objects ready for reading/writing from the read-list (rl) and write-list (wl), subject to timeout in seconds.

  • rl – Objects interested in readability.
  • wl – Objects interested in writability.
  • timeout – Maximum blocking time in seconds, None for no timeout.